Floods Aren’t the Only Things That Can Lead to Water Damage in Ann Arbor Michigan

Water damage can affect your home in a lot of ways. From damaging flooring and furnishings to causing health problems over time from mold growth in the home water damage is certainly something that you should not take lightly. But many home owners only think about water damage in Ann Arbor Michigan when there is a chance for a flood or some other natural disaster. But the reality is most water damage is caused by other problems such as a broken plumbing pipe, roof leak, or even a leaking dishwasher. Here are 5 signs that your home may already have water damage from the dishwasher in your home or it’s about to.

Floods Aren’t the Only Things That Can Lead to Water Damage in Ann Arbor Michigan

Floods Aren't the Only Things That Can Lead to Water Damage in Ann Arbor Michigan

A dishwasher is one of the most functional and useful appliances in your kitchen. After all, it makes cleaning your dishes easier than ever before. Not only is a clogged dishwasher an inconvenience, but it could cause severe damage to your sewer line, water supply line, and other areas in your home. Since it’s important to repair your dishwasher as soon as you identify a clog, here are five indicators your dishwasher is clogged.

  1. Unusual Sounds

One of the most surefire signs you have a clog is if you hear any unusual sounds, such as gurgling. Gurgling is often a sign your dishwasher is having trouble draining, which is a direct indicator of a clog. If you hear any unusual sounds, be sure to contact your local plumber as soon as possible. Even if you don’t have a clog, it’s better to be overly cautious.

  1. Slow Draining

Sometimes, a clog starts in your kitchen sewer line way before it impacts your dishwasher. If you notice water is draining slowly, this is usually an indicator that a clog is forming somewhere in your kitchen sewer line and slowly working its way to your sink and dishwasher. It should be noted that sometimes slow draining can be caused by small pieces of food from dishes that were just washed. That being said, try quickly cleaning the top portion of your drain. If you notice this doesn’t help, or there seems to be pieces of food lodged deeper in your drain, consider calling your plumber for a professional deep clean before the problem becomes more severe.

  1. Clogs in Sink

If you have a clog in your sink, it’s only a matter of time before the clog eventually impacts your dishwasher. Likewise, your kitchen sink should not be impacted while you use your dishwasher. If a clog might occur in your dishwasher, you will notice your kitchen sink will clog while you run it. Since your kitchen and dishwasher are linked through the same sewer line, it’s important to hire a plumber as soon as you notice any issue in each respective appliance.

  1. Resting Water

Let’s face it: leftover water is never a good sign. After you run a cycle on your dishwasher, there should never be any excess water in the bottom. But if you notice resting water, this most likely means the appliance isn’t properly draining water or functioning correctly. A professional plumber will be able to identify the problem and fix it before it becomes a larger, more severe clog.

  1. Dirty Dishes

A dishwasher’s duty is to wash dishes. So, if you notice your dishes are still dirty after running a cycle, your appliance is most likely damaged. Often, dirty dishes after a cycle means the appliance never filled with water, which is also an indicator of a clog. It should be noted that sometimes this means it’s time for a new appliance. Whether there’s a clog in your sewer line or it’s simply time to update your appliance, a professional plumber will be able to assess the damage and create an action plan on how it can be fixed efficiently and effectively.

What Should You Do?

No matter what causes the water damage in your home it’s always best to get it repaired as quickly as possible. Water damage will only get worse over time and should be remedied as quickly as possible. For home owners in Ann Arbor Michigan the best restoration company to use is A2 Restoration. Give them a call today at (734) 548-9920 if you need water damage restoration in your home.